Archive News from 2022
Annual General Meeting 2022
Our AGM will be held on Wednesday 30 November 2022 at 7p.m. in Breasclete Community Centre.
We are delighted to be joined by John Maher as our guest speaker from 7.30p.m. with this part of the evening open to all.
John Maher is the Chair of Bays of Harris Steering Group who are in the process of buying their land and recently held a very positive community ballot. John’s background includes being a drummer in the well-known band the Buzzcocks. He is a successful photographer with many of his photos capturing interior images of abandoned Hebridean homes.
John will be sharing his story of how he became involved in community land ownership and his hopes for the future.

Sgoil Ghàidhlig | Gaelic School

Bha seachdain air leth againn airson a’ chiad Sgoil Ghàidhlig air a ruith eadar sinn fhèin agus UHI Innse Gall. Bha UHI a’ cumail chlasaichean Gàidhlig gach madainn agus bha sinne a’ tabhainn measgachadh de thachartasan cultarail gach feasgar is oidhche.
We had a great week on our first Gaelic School in partnership with UHI OH. UHI OH provided Gaelic Classes in the morning each day and then we provided a range of cultural activities in the afternoons and evenings.
Thanks to Gearrannan Blackhouse Village for hosting the lessons, a tour of the village and providing excellent accommodation and catering – proper Hebridean hospitality. Big thanks to our tutor Jane and all our activity leads: Maggie Smith for a West Side Tour, Dòmhnall Macleòid for Gaelic Psalm Singing, Jayne Macleod for Step Dancing, Catriona Murray for Halloween themed Storytelling, Iain Macarthur for the history of Carloway, Laxdale Ladies Waulking Group for Waulking the tweed. Thanks to our great evening venues including Doune Braes Hotel and Carloway Church of Scotland Hall.
Thanks to Community Land Scotland and Bòrd na Gàidhlig for the funding support. Thanks to the community for supporting the events and big thanks to all the students.

Visitor Tickets for 2022 Angling Season Available Now
Current Working Arrangements
Covid-19 Working Arrangements
UPDATE - 8 December 2021
The office will be closed to the public from Wednesday 8 December until at least the middle of January following new guidance issued by the Scottish Government.
Please be assured it is still business as usual, and we will be able to accept emails and arrange/take calls as required. If you would like to get in touch, please call us on the usual number - 01851 643481 or email
Please take care during these difficult times.