Archive News from 2023
Changes at Urras Oighreachd Chàrlabhaigh
Our Development Manager, Sally Reynolds, will be leaving Urras Oighreachd Chàrlabhaigh at the end of May to start a new job with Stornoway Port Authority. Sally started working for the Trust shortly after the purchase of the estate was completed back in 2015. She worked with the community to set up the organisation from scratch, delivering projects, recruiting staff and establishing the Trust as a well-respected community organisation, both locally and further afield. Without a doubt, the Trust would not be where it is today had it not been for the hard work and dedication that Sally gave to the job over the past 8 years. Sally will be a huge loss to the Trust and the Carloway community, we wish her all the best in her new role.
Local Development Officer, Donald MacKinnon will be taking on the role of Development Manager. Donald has worked for the Trust since 2019, having previously worked for Carloway Community Association.
Thursday 27 April – 1pm – Carloway Community Centre
Thig nar cuideachd airson cuairt mu thimcheall baile Chàrlabhaigh far am bi sinn ag ionnsachadh mu eachdraidh a’ bhaile bho Iain MacArtair. Bidh sinn a’ cruinneachadh aig Ionad Coimhearsnachd Chàrlabhaigh aig 1f. Dèan cinnteach gum bi aodach agus brògan freagarrach oirbh.
Join us for a walk to hear more about the history of Carloway from Iain Macarthur. Meet at Carloway Community Centre at 1pm. Please wear suitable outdoor shoes and clothing.